Workshops & Webinars

Welcome to the Career Center’s Micro Library of videos, recorded events and workshops.

Recordings and materials from webinars we have recently presented can be found on our myUMBC Group, including:

Get to Know the Career Center & Handshake

Quick Clips: Advice from the Experts

Explore Your Options (including employer info sessions & UMBC Connects)

Prepare Your Documents & Pitch

Build Your Network, Brand, & Career Ready Skills

Find a Job or Internship

Master the Interview

Explore Career Fair Tips & Best Practices

Succeed on the Job/Internship

Prepare for Grad or Professional School

Request a Workshop

Didn’t find an online workshop or already scheduled workshop to fit what you were looking for? Would you like to schedule a workshop during a class or student group meeting? Complete a request form:

Classroom Assignments

Supplemental Assignments for Interns

The impact of COVID-19 has left some students without the option to finish their required internship, co-op, or research hours. Consider using or adapting one of the professional development assignments below to supplement your students’ experience. The Career Center’s Internships & Employment Team would also be happy to assist: