LinkedIn Invitation Request

“I’d like to add you to my professional network on LinkedIn.”

This generic message is the standard message for all requests made in LinkedIn. You DO NOT want to use it. Invitation messages work best when personalized

Below are sample requests. Be sure to be specific.

Sample Request 1

Ana, let’s connect here since we’re already connected in real life. It was great seeing you at the Animation Convention last week. I hope we can collaborate on a project soon. I’d also be happy to introduce you to some of my contacts in Maryland, so feel free to reach out to me!

Sample Request 2

Ms. Taylor, I recently heard you give a talk on networking at a UMBC Career Week event. I appreciate the insights you shared and thank you for sharing your expertise. Could you help me build my professional network by accepting my invite? If there is any way I can help you in return, don’t hesitate to ask.