Even though a program has a high ranking and a sound reputation, it may not be the best choice for you. Although general evaluations and resource guides do offer a broad perspective on a school, your own focus is much narrower and harder to characterize. The key to selecting the ideal program for you is to know yourself and what you want to study. A program may have an excellent reputation, but may not, for example, have the faculty or facilities to support your studies. Also, you may have to relocate to attend a program of your choice and you will need to research the location as well as the student life at that school.
Important questions to consider
These questions can also serve as your questions during the graduate school interview process:
- Does this school offer the program I am seeking, at the time and location that fit with my financial and personal situation?
- What is the student profile for this program? [something about diversity, age, professional experiences, interests, student life]
- Does the faculty exhibit special strengths and research qualities through their graduate mentoring, published works and funded research?
- Have my undergraduate academic and/or professional experiences prepared me for this program?
- Will this program give me an opportunity for hands-on experience, either as a professional practitioner or researcher?
- As I approach degree completion, what type of career counseling/job search support would be available to me?
- Does the department have a sufficiently large and varied curriculum to allow me a broad offering of courses and options?
- How senior are the professors from my area of study? What are their interests and availability?
- Is financial support available (including teaching and/or research assistantships)?
- What are the class sizes and what is the student/faculty ratio?
- How active is the faculty in my field?
- Are there facilities to conduct my research?
- What is the program’s reputation versus the university’s reputation?
- Are the classes I am interested in offered and if so, how often?
- What is graduate student life like? Will this institution and location be a good fit for me?
Sources of Information
Professional journals in your field of interest will help to identify who is doing what type of research and where they are located. The reference librarian and faculty members can help you to identify the right journals for your area of study.
Once you identify a program that you are interested in, research it thoroughly. Check out the faculty members at the prospective school to learn about their areas of expertise and how they may relate to your interest. If there are a few faculty members who impress you, you should review some of their recent research and publications. You should also ask your UMBC faculty mentor if s/he is familiar with the program you are considering. Faculty members may be able to provide a professional assessment of the program’s quality. If you are interested in a science program, for example, make sure the university has the necessary facilities and laboratory space to conduct your specific research.
Go online and find a local newspaper site and read any recent news or articles on the school. Check out the institution’s internal publications as well. This will help you to find out a lot of background information on the internal culture of the school.
Directories and Guidebooks
University directories and guidebooks should never be the only source used to research schools. However, they can be useful, especially during the initial stages of your application process before you narrow your search to a select short list of programs. Some of the links in the Additional Helpful Websites list (below) will take you to online directories.
Student Organizations
Many student organizations, especially major-specific organizations such as your council of majors, can offer keen insight and advice. Often, these organizations can provide networking opportunities with alumni currently enrolled in a graduate program that can provide direct advice and can answer some of your questions about the quality of the academic program and graduate student life at the institution. Similarly, organizations can serve as a good way to talk with other students interested in the same field.
Additional Helpful Websites
- GraduateGuide: http://www.graduateguide.com
Search directory of graduate schools and programs by subject, school name and geographic area. Hard copy versions of this directory (updated annually) are also available in the Career Center. - Gradschools.com: https://www.gradschools.com
Search by subject and geographic area for graduate programs in your field. - Petersons: https://www.petersons.com
Identify colleges by location, major, tuition, sports, test prep resources, and more. - U.S. News best schools-education rankings: https://www.usnews.com/best-graduate-schools
- Relocation Resources: https://www.mymove.com/moving/college/moving-after-college/
- Grad School application tips: www.gradschooltips.com
- Schoolguides.com: www.schoolguides.com
- Public Policy Programs: National Association of Schools of Public Affairs and Administration
- College Confidential: https://insights.collegeconfidential.com/graduate-school/
- The National Association of Graduate and Professional Students: http://www.nagps.org/
Connects graduate and professional students across the U.S. to facilitate the sharing of information, resources and best practices. - Public Health Programs (including dual degree programs): https://www.publichealth.org/rankings/masters/
Professional or Business School
Top MBA Degree Rankings Table – Comparison of ranking from U.S. News, Economist, Forbes, Financial Time, and QS.
Business School: GMAT information: http://www.beatthegmat.com/
Graduate and Professional School (including Medical) Admissions Tips: https://www.accepted.com
Medical School*: http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/pre-med-medical-school/
*For additional assistance with the medical school application process, please see The PreMedical and PreDental Advising Office
Law School: http://www.lsac.org
Official guide to American Bar Association approved law schools (Law School Admissions Council).
Financial Aid*
- Financial Aid: https://www.fastweb.com
- SallieMae: https://www.salliemae.com/
Preparing, selecting, applying, paying, deciding and financing your way to graduate school.
*For additional financial aid information, see the section on “Funding your Graduate Education.”
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