Please complete the Employer Interest Form to be among the first notified of future Career Center events and registration details as they are released. Visit our webpage for more information about Recruiting at UMBC.
Questions? Please contact us at
Upcoming Events (All Career Month Industry Fairs and events are FREE for employers to participate!)
Register for Career Paths for Graduate Students – April 3, 5 – 7 p.m.
Career Month Industry Fairs, Wednesdays, 11 a.m. – 2 p.m.
Register for Technology & Engineering – April 2
Register for Humanities & Social Sciences – April 9
Register for Sciences – April 23
Fall Career & Internship Fair ($$)
Our largest fair is held annually in late September. This recruitment event typically attracts over 1,500 students, alumni, and community members.
Diversity Recruitment Event ($$)
Unlike traditional career fairs, this annual October event emphasizes the importance of networking. Organizations interested in strengthening corporate diversity will have the opportunity to meet face-to-face with members of our diverse student community.
Spring Career & Internship Fair ($$)
Our second largest fair is held annually in February at the beginning of our spring semester. Mirroring our Fall Career & Internship Fair, this fair attracts over 1,000 potential candidates.
Networking & Information Sessions ($)
Hosting an on-campus information session enables you to network and teach students about your organization and the opportunities available. Typically, in-person information sessions are held on Tuesdays (5 – 7 p.m.) and Thursdays (2 – 3:30 p.m. or 5 – 6:30 p.m.). We have reserved space on campus and dates are assigned on a first-come, first-served basis. For additional information and to reserve a date, please contact Annie Byrd, You can also fill out the request form to reserve a date.
We are also able to assist with planning a virtual information session exclusively for UMBC students or share details about a public session that you are planning to host for several schools.
Career Corner (Information Tables)
This series of events is designed to give organizations an opportunity to build their brand on campus and connect with students in a high foot traffic location. This relaxed atmosphere is conducive to holding casual, one-on-one conversations that approach the table. Career Corners are held Tuesday through Thursday, 10 a.m. – 2 p.m. throughout the semester. Dates are assigned on a first-come, first-served basis. Please contact Annie Byrd,, or fill out the request form to reserve a date.
UMBC Connects ($$$)
Each semester, UMBC sets aside several days for partnering organizations to be showcased on campus. A UMBC Connects event provides your organization the opportunity to increase your visibility as a key employing institution and partner of the UMBC community. Your day will be tailored to your organization’s needs and specific goals. Traditional schedules include information sessions, career-related workshops, alumni networking events, lunch and/or receptions, etc. Your event will be highlighted on campus via an extensive advertising campaign, allowing all UMBC students the opportunity to become familiar with your organization as an employer of choice. The Career Center will assist you in designing your event and will take care of campus advertising and logistical details such as parking, reserving facilities, ordering catering, and securing audio/visual equipment.
Career Month Industry Fair: Technology (April)
Designed specifically for students interested in working within the Computing, Engineering, Business and Data Analytics industries, this event allows students to network with professionals and learn about potential career paths in an informal setting. It offers you an excellent opportunity to speak with students about intern and career opportunities within your organization. You do not have to be actively recruiting to attend this event.
Career Month Industry Fair: Creative Careers (April)
Designed specifically for visual arts, performing arts, media majors, and students interested in working within the arts industry, this event allows students to network with arts professionals and learn about potential career paths in an informal setting. You do not have to be actively recruiting to attend this event.
Career Month Industry Fair: Humanities & Social Sciences (April)
This event is designed to give organizations the chance to network with targeted UMBC undergraduate and graduate students and alumni who have chosen to pursue careers with non-profits and in the social sciences. It offers an excellent opportunity to speak with students about intern and career opportunities within your organization. We also welcome participants who are interested in providing perspective, advice, and insight to budding leaders in social science fields. You do not have to be actively recruiting to attend this event.
Career Month Industry Fair: Sciences (April)
This event is designed to give organizations the chance to network with targeted UMBC undergraduate and graduate students who have chosen to pursue careers in the sciences and mathematics. It offers you an excellent opportunity to speak with students about intern and career opportunities within your organization. We also welcome participants who are interested in providing perspective, advice, and insight to our budding scientific professionals. You do not have to be actively recruiting to attend this event.
Career Paths for Graduate Students (April)
This program helps to expand graduate students’ thinking about employment options in various industries and to inform them about available career paths. You will have the opportunity to meet with talented master’s and doctoral degree students during speed-networking roundtable discussions. Students are encouraged to bring resumes, and we encourage employers who are actively recruiting to consider attending.
UMBC On the Road: Employer Site Visits
The UMBC On the Road series provides students with the opportunity to visit organizations and get a glimpse of life as an intern or career professional. We can bring as many or as few students as you can handle. Among our best and brightest, these students are majoring in disciplines that are most aligned with your hiring needs. Ideally, students will be able to tour your facility, hear about the company from current interns and/or employees, understand your current hiring needs, and have the chance to ask questions.
The Inside Scoop, Intern Success Conference, Senior Success Conference, Graduate School 101 Seminar
Whether you are participating as a panelist, presenting on a topic, or networking with students, these programs are a powerful way to strengthen your recruiting relationship with UMBC and attract top talent to your organization.
$ = little to no cost for optional food, $$ = a few hundred dollars, $$$ = $1,500, no $ = free
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