Student Engagement
3,689 total interactions.
5,812 unique students and alumni interacted with the Career Center.
3,229 total student/alumni drop-ins and appointments (of which 106 were by phone, 1,249 were in-person, and 1874 were virtual).
Internships, Co-ops and Research
1,213 students enrolled in the Career Center’s applied learning practicum courses.
Employer Connections
43,443* jobs, internships & research opportunities posted by:
3,892 unique employers.
*This represents a 165% increase in postings since FY22 due to our switch from Symplicity CSM to Handshake systems.
597 total employer visits to connect with our students & alumni.
Maryland State Workforce Initiatives
258 internships were financially supported through the Maryland Technology Internship Program, and Maryland Institute for Innovative Computing to support organizations across the state in expanding their technical talent pipeline, and help retain talent in Maryland.