An accomplishment statement is a statement that describes achievements and/or unique contributions you have made that demonstrate the type of worker you are. An effective accomplishment statement identifies:
- A solution that was created to a common work scenario;
- Information that describes actions taken to overcome, resolve, or manage the common work scenario;
- Information that provides evidence about results obtained, based on steps taken during the common work scenario.
In other words, an effective accomplishment statement needs to highlight:
S: A Situation that is encountered during a variety or work experiences
O: Obstacles that had to be overcome in order to demonstrate the specific job related skill
A: Actions that were taken to overcome the situation and obstacles faced in prior jobs/experiences
R: Results obtained
Gathering data is the first critical step (see VMET information above) to follow when creating an effective accomplishment statement. Following this acronym is a successful strategy to use when translating military job performance data into civilian job performance descriptions.